Title IX 50th Anniversary: I Am | FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

Title IX 50th Anniversary: I Am

The NCAA Women's Final Four is just around the corner in Minneapolis. This year also marks the 50th anniversary of Title IX, a landmark federal law that requires nearly all schools to provide fair and equal treatment of the sexes in all areas, including athletics.  

FOX 9 wanted to celebrate the anniversary by bringing the meaning of Title IX to life with generations of female athletes identifying themselves as fierce competitors who deserve the same opportunities as their male counterparts. FOX 9 collaborated with several athletes, including women honored by Minnesota Sports and Events (MNSE) for their contributions to women's athletics in Minnesota. 

Title IX Honor Roll

Ahead of the NCAA Women's Final Four, Target Center opened its space to allow FOX 9 and these women to come together to produce this piece.  

The MNSE Title IX Honorees featured in the video are Annie Adamczak Glavan, Fartun Osman, and Tasha Feigh. 

The MNSE Title IX Honor Roll members in the video are Elvera "Peps" Neuman, Faith Johnson Patterson, and Margaret Chutich.

Women Final Four profile series

FOX 9 is profiling numerous women who played a crucial role in women's sports in Minnesota and shaped Title IX in a weeklong series. Fox 9 will feature Minnesota Sports Hall of Fame Dorothy McIntyre and former college and professional basketball player, now general counsel for the Prairie Island Indian Community Jessie Stomski Seim. They will also highlight the efforts of St. Paul native June Courteau, who recently retired after 15 years as a referee. Our series culminates with a two-part series on one of the state's most successful females athletes, Lindsay Whalen, and how Title IX and the Final Four changed her life.

Title IX