Twins players pre-signing balls to reduce contact amid coronavirus outbreak

A Minnesota Twins players signs balls during spring training. (FOX 9)

Amid the worldwide novel coronavirus outbreak, the Minnesota Twins are changing their interactions with fans.

Dustin Morse, the Twins senior communications director, says organization leaders have advised all of their personnel to avoid shaking hands and exchanging items, like pens and balls. Instead, the players are pre-signing balls in the clubhouse and then tossing them to kids and fans, so they don’t go away disappointed.

Morse says the team is following recommendations based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to be cautious with respect to close human contact and interactions.

"We are encouraging our players to still have positive interactions with our fan base," said Morse.

The Twins are currently in the middle of their spring training in Florida. According to health officials, currently, there are nine coronavirus cases with ties to Florida.