Teen marijuana use concerning among addiction officials

"We’ve seen an increase of individuals that are using cannabis. As young as 13 years old we’ve seen patients come in with cannabis use disorder," said one Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation counselor.

Cannabis advisory council holds meeting

On Friday, Minnesota’s Cannabis Advisory Council held its first meeting in an effort to fine-tune the recreational marijuana industry as the state looks to issue licenses in the future.

State warns Minnesota sellers about cannabis flower sales

In its warning, the Minnesota Office of Cannabis Management said it has received complaints that some shops have been selling cannabis flower labeled as "hemp flower." Hemp flower is legal to sell and looks similar to cannabis flower, but contains significantly less THC.

Minnesota Marijuana: Inside the emerging world of homegrown weed

A bookshelf covers an entire wall in Bob Walloch’s Minneapolis home. From floor to ceiling, it’s filled with popular novels, art pieces and family photos. However, with one swift pull, Walloch reveals a hidden passageway to his personal crop of homegrown marijuana.

The growing market of homegrown marijuana

A bookshelf covers an entire wall in Bob Walloch’s Minneapolis home. From floor to ceiling, it’s filled with popular novels, art pieces and family photos. However, with one swift pull, Walloch reveals a hidden passageway to his personal crop of homegrown marijuana.