More fallout for computer forensics expert accused of misrepresenting his record

Mark Lanterman, a former Hopkins police officer and investigator who built a computer forensics company into an expert career in cybersecurity, has had his photograph and biography stripped from the firm’s website as FOX 9 learns more about the lengths Lanterman went to protect his record and reputation.

5 arrested in Washington County minor prostitution sting

On the heels of a major prostitution bust in Bloomington that netted the arrest of a Minnesota state senator, Washington County deputies say they arrested five people trying to meet-up for sex with minors.

MN Sen. Eichorn arrest: Candidates seek to replace him in Senate

Jennifer Carnahan is the latest candidate to announce her plans to run for former Minnesota Sen. Justin Eichorn's seat after he resigned following an arrest in a minor sex sting operation in Bloomington. Carnahan, who is currently the mayor of Nisswa, served as the chairwoman of the Minnesota GOP. She stepped down after Anton Lazarro was federally charged with child sex trafficking. She had close ties to Lazarro. After he announcement, the Minnesota DFL party released a statement, "“It's disgraceful that the Minnesota GOP might replace a Senator who resigned after a child prostitution arrest with a former Minnesota GOP Chair who resigned because of her ties with a child sex trafficker.”

New details released on sex sting operation

Bloomington police chief Booker Hodges released additional details on the sex sting operation that resulted in the arrest of at least 14 men, including former Minnesota Sen. Justin Eichorn. FOX 9’s Bill Keller has more on the story.