Mayor and city staff walk 24 hours for cancer

The staff at Farmington city hall have been in the middle of a massive fundraising campaign, as several top city leaders commit to walk 24 hours straight to raise money for cancer.

Courage Kenny group needs summer volunteers

Every summer, Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute has given a new batch of athletes with disabilities their chance to shine on the water. But after the pandemic, they’re in need of new volunteers to help keep the fun going.

Can’t find a mental health provider for your family? You’re not alone

A new report from the Bowman Family Foundation, a non-profit that works to improve the lives of people with mental health and substance use conditions, shows 57 percent of patients who sought mental health or substance use care didn't receive it in at least one case between January 2019 and April 2022. That's compared to 32 percent of patients who sought physical health care.

St. Paul wheelchair stolen, police asking help

A 24-year-old St. Paul man with ALS had his wheelchair stolen when his SUV was stolen with it inside. St. Paul Police are now asking the community to keep an eye out for both in the hopes of their return.

Hydration important in extreme heat

The extreme heat continues across much of the United States, with many communities seeing record-high temperatures. Hydration is important during extreme heat.