Como Park Zoo experiences longest closure in history amid pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has closed Como Park Zoo and Conservatory to visitors for more than two weeks, marking its longest closure in history.
Como Zoo penguins take field trip to explore Spring Flower Show
Zookeepers at the Como Zoo and Conservatory in St. Paul, Minnesota took a trio of African penguins on a field trip over the weekend while the zoo is closed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Como Zoo's live reindeer cam returns for the holidays
The reindeer are getting ready for their big sleigh ride with Santa and the Como Park Zoo and Conservatory is giving you a chance to check in on their preparations.
Como Zoo baby giraffe gets Minnesota-inspired name
The votes are in for the name of the Como Zoo's newest giraffe.
Como Zoo celebrates birth of baby giraffe
The Como Zoo is celebrating its latest addition to the zoo family, according to a press release.
Como Zoo raising rare toad tadpoles to be released back into wild
The Como Zoo is helping to raise several hundred tadpoles that belong to a rare species of toad for release in Wyoming.