New Minneapolis PD recruit welcomed into force by their parents

New recruits and lateral officers from their respective programs graduated from the Minneapolis Police Department Thursday, in an effort to have more sworn officers on the force. They’re also focused on legacy hires, which are recruits who have family members who’ve been officers.

Mpls council members discuss off-duty police fees

Following the approval of an ordinance that will allow Minneapolis to recover fees from Minneapolis Police Department officers who work off-duty, Minneapolis City Council members held a press conference to discuss what they hope to accomplish with a new fee structure in the coming years.

Charging officers for off-duty work

A proposed ordinance before the Minneapolis City Council would allow the city to charge fees to Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) officers who conduct off-duty police work, while using city-issued weapons, vehicles and uniforms.

Mpls community leaders on federal consent decree

Minneapolis City Council members are in a closed-door session on Monday to hear details of a proposed federal consent decree. While council members were in the meeting, community members voiced their hopes and frustrations about the federal consent decree, its process, and what it could mean for reforming policing.