What can we learn from fire ants? Maybe a lot

Experts say black fire ants arrived in the U.S. in 1918 and red fire ants in the 1930s, leading to a massive population increase, with five times more ants per acre than in South America, and they're infamous for their bites and stings.

Killer whales attack and sink sailing boat off Gibraltar

An unknown number of orcas rammed a sailing yacht in Moroccan waters in the Strait of Gibraltar on Sunday morning, causing it to later sink, the latest attack in a trend that has been terrifying sailors in the region for the past four years. 

Minnesotans enjoy fishing opener on Saturday

Many Minnesotans were out on lakes and rivers enjoying the fishing opener in the state on Saturday. FOX 9 photojournalist, Eric Gedrose, captured some anglers enjoying the day.

Could another 'Carrington Event' solar storm happen?

A potent solar storm prompted the first severe geomagnetic storm watch in nearly two decades in the U.S., dazzling observers with vivid Northern Lights as far south as Florida, while raising concerns about potential disruptions to communication and GPS systems.

Species added to catch and release MN records

Those participating in the state fishing opener this weekend could make history, as the Minnesota DNR added more than a dozen new species of fish to its catch and release record book this year.