1 rescued in northern Minnesota after trying to kayak along Mississippi River to Louisiana
Officials rescued a kayaker who got stranded on a lake in northern Minnesota over the weekend. The kayaker was trying to reach Louisiana by traveling along the Mississippi River.
Chicago woman tests positive for COVID-19 after childbirth, is released and dies days later
Unique Clay, 31, gave birth on April 30, tested positive for coronavirus, and was sent home with her baby -- only to die days later.
Video captures officers rescuing cat that got head stuck in soup can
Two patrolling Las Vegas Police officers happened upon a cat with its head stuck in a soup can.
Llama antibodies studied as potential treatment for COVID-19
A new study explores how antibodies from llamas immunized with “prefusion-stabilized betacoronavirus spike proteins” may prove beneficial as therapeutic treatment for COVID-19 patients.
Man charged with assault and battery for wiping nose on Michigan Dollar Tree employee's shirt
A 68-year-old man is facing assault and battery charges in Oakland County after police said he used a Dollar Tree employee's shirt to wipe his face when she told him he needed to wear a mask.
Utah boy, 5, steals parents’ car so he can buy Lamborghini in California, troopers say
Troopers in Utah pulled over a 5-year-old boy who took his parents’ car so he could go to California to buy a Lamborghini.
'Grim Reaper' visits Florida beaches to protest reopening during pandemic
The Grim Reaper made an appearance at Florida beaches as they reopened amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rainn Wilson of ‘The Office’ to host ‘first-ever’ Zoom conference meeting for pets on April 30
Bring your dog, cat, fish, hamster or any other pet to the “Zoomies” conference.
Dog gives birth to litter of 21 puppies
A record litter of 21 puppies was born at an Australian hospital during the COVID-19 crisis.
2 cats in NY state test positive for virus
Two pet cats in New York state have tested positive for the coronavirus, marking the first cases in companion animals in the United States, federal officials said Wednesday.
Woman rescued after she rappelled down Ford Bridge to fish
A woman had to be rescued on the Mississippi River after she rappelled down the Ford Bridge in St. Paul and got stuck, according to Commander Eric Bradt with the Ramsey County Sheriff's Office.
Family on COVID-19 lockdown gets creative for dinner with DIY sushi train
The family spent 90 minutes setting up the toy train and testing to see if it could actually balance food.
Pig leads police officers on 45-minute pursuit before capture
The incident on Friday and was caught on body-cam footage by responding officers of the Stamford Police Department.
Self-described Florida 'church' ordered to stop selling coronavirus 'cure'
Prosecutors filed the motion in a South Florida court, requesting a temporary restraining order against the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing. The complaint argues that the “church” cures are dangerous and that the “church” is in fact a secular organization.
Prior Lake man brings billiards community together with virtual games
It’s a social game that’s been around barrooms and basements for generations, but now billiards is on a break.
Pregnant woman gives birth during car wreck, then can't find baby
Good luck and calm thinking helped Lilburn police make a remarkable discovery at an accident scene earlier this week.
Coronavirus-infected Washington state woman gives birth while in induced coma
A Washington woman infected with the novel coronavirus says she is a “miracle walking” after giving birth to a baby girl while in a medically induced coma.
Driver uses sick snake as speeding excuse
What sounds like an April Fool's joke actually happened on April 1 when a Minnesota State Patrol trooper pulled over a vehicle for speeding on I-494.
Burning Man canceled, shifts to virtual experience amid COVID-19
The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has canceled just about everything from Easter, sporting events, live entertainment to movies and now: Burning Man.
Minnesota's newest attorney sworn in curbside due to COVID-19
Outside of the Minnesota Judicial Center in St. Paul Wednesday morning, Brian A. Philbrook was sworn in as the state's newest attorney.