Smith Foundry in Minneapolis to shut down in August

The Smith Foundry in the East Phillips neighborhood of Minneapolis announced it will close its doors after complaints from neighbors and activists as well as accusations from government pollution regulators. 

Residents sound off at community meeting about Smith Foundry

During a surprise inspection in May, the EPA determined that Smith Foundry had violated the Clean Air Act. However, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has said it is not seeing any violations of state or federal air quality standards from the facility.

6-year-old girl riding bike shot in Minneapolis

Minneapolis Police are searching for at least two men involved in a gun battle in broad daylight on Monday, that sent a 6-year-old girl to the hospital with a gunshot wound. 

Supervised drug injection sites

The East Phillips Neighborhood of Minneapolis is considering a proposal that would permit a supervised drug injection site in an attempt to curb dangerous narcotic usage.