How to train for the Warrior Dash and other obstacle runs

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Over 200 Million people completed an obstacle race last year, according to Women's Running magazine. But how do you train for one of these bragging right runs? This is a 3-week workout to train for the Warrior Dash or other obstacle run, from Carisa Rasmussen of Clean & Lean Fitness. 

You'll want to try to train for Dash for at least 6 weeks. The idea is to repeat this 3-week training schedule as many times needed. Make the distances on the runs longer if needed. Remember to consult a doctor before starting any training program. If you're in pain, stop and seek medical attention. Do this workout at your own risk. The most important thing to remember is that you need to do a combination of running, cross training and strength training.

P.S. You can also find great workout ideas on the Warrior Dash website! Under each obstacle it tells you what moves to do to simulate that obstacle.

Workout Guide

Active Rest (AR): This is an off day! But feel free to get a little activity by going for a walk or a playing a sport. You're actively resting so don't work yourself too hard.

Interval Run (IV): This speed workout will have you alternating between fast running (sprinting for seasoned athletes) and walking or slow jogging. A 2-3-1-2-3, for instance, consists of 2 minutes of hard running (sprinting) at 80 to 90-percent effort, followed by 3 minutes of jogging, 1 minute of walking, back to 2 minutes of hard running, 2 minutes of jogging, etc.

Park Run (PR): This race-simulation workout will break up a run by mimicking the obstacle course. Find your favorite children's park and create your obstacle course, make sure you use the monkey bars and try to do some pull -ups, go down the slides, and do a little climbing before hitting the pavement again.

Stairs Workout (SW): Use your stairs at home, or find a large set outside. I love the James J. Hill stairs or the Science Museum stairs in St. Paul. Run at least 3 three sets of 25 steps. In between sets do pushups and dips, both performed while leaning on the bottom step. If the workout reads "10- 8-6-4," do a set of 10 of each, a set of 8 of each, etc.

Functional Workout (FW): This workout should be done in a pool - if you don't have access to a pool do an extra (PR)


All workouts are 30-ish minutes, including a 5-minute full-body warm up.

1-mile easy run - 10 burpees and 25 sit-ups at the end

SW 3 sets of 50 steps, pull-ups (5 or to failure), 3 sets of 25 mountain climbers, 1/4 mile run, 3 sets of 8 push-ups (repeat until reaching 25 minutes)


PR half mile run, Obstacle course at park, half mile run, obstacle course at park, half mile run

FW - Do 3 sets of each workout 10 push-ups, - 30 second planks, 20- mountain climbers, 8 burpees, 15 plank twisters, 30 jumping jacks, 10 jump squats - Repeat 3 times




PR 1/2 mile run, obstacle course at playground, 3 sets of 8 pushups, 3 sets of 8 burpees, 1/2 mile run, Obstacle course 3 sets of 8 squat jumps, 3 sets of 8 lunges (4 on each side), 3 sets of 15 sit-ups, 1/2 mile run.

FW - 20 pushups, 20 squats, Wall sits 30 seconds, 20 plank jacks, 20 mountain climbers, 5 pull-ups, 30 seconds of high fast knees, 40 seconds of side shuffles, 20 dips on stairs or bench, repeat sequence 2 times


SW Run at least 50 steps, 20 jumps for height with high knees, 20 second side planks on each side, 5 pull-ups, 8 push ups, repeat twice

IV 1-mile easy run, A 2-3-1-2-3, 2 minutes of hard running (sprinting) at 80 to 90-percent effort, followed by 3 minutes of jogging, 1 minute of walking, back to 2 minutes of hard running, 2 minutes of jogging, etc. Do this twice




PR 1 mile run, 10 push-ups, 25 mountain climbers, park obstacle course, 20 jump lunges, 20 Russian twist sit-ups. Do this twice.

IV 1-mile easy run, A 2-3-1-2-3, 2 minutes of hard running (sprinting) at 80 to 90-percent effort, followed by 3 minutes of jogging, 1 minute of walking, back to 2 minutes of hard running, 2 minutes of jogging, etc. Do this twice


FW 50 jumping jacks, 12 pushups, 20 squats, , 50 mountain climbers, 5 pull-ups, 20 burpees, 15 bench jumps. Repeat 3 times

SW Run at least 50 stairs 3 times doing 10 jump squats after every 50 steps at the top and 10 push-ups at the bottom of each step, do that 3 times. At the end of that workout do planks with 20 knee to opposite elbow touch (10 on each side), 20 dips, 20 crunches, and 20 hop from side to side 20 times fast. Do that three times.

