Get ready for a windy "Spring-Like" warm up

February in Minnesota has a reputation for strong winds of change. Usually this blustery transition takes us into the deep freeze with the passage of a temperature slashing arctic front. However, this week Mother Nature will turn the tables on us when a  strong frontal passage brings in some unusually mild air to our west.

If you want, you can blame El Nino, as Minnesota takes up to a twenty degree leap past our average high of 30­ and into temperatures that are average for April first, and that is no fooling.


To further illustrate how mild it will be this week, here is a look at the last time we hit milestone temperatures here in the Twin Cities. The 40°, 45° and 50° thresholds were hit quite a ways back in time and that is saying a lot considering this is an El Nino winter season.


The area of low pressure that is passing to our north will be beefed up by the jet stream above. The winds aloft will be almost west to east and will help boost our temperatures into spring-like territory. The weather duo will result in winds near the surface to approach advisory territory on Friday. Hold on to your hats everyone! Since this frontal passage will be so mild, look for rain, not snow, to take us into our Friday warm up.