How Hurricane Joaquin will affect Minnesota

Hurricane Joaquin is now trekking across the Atlantic. The warm blue waters of the Caribbean may seem worlds away but in reality its all part of the flow that will eventually affect us here in Minnesota.



The next week is pretty straight forward when it comes to the forecast. Its all about "Get out of my way, here I come" as far as Joaquin is concerned. Here in the Upper Midwest we are under a bubble of high pressure and are enjoying tons of sun as a result. Once Hurricane Joaquin makes its way up the Eastern Seaboard, it will back up weather traffic like 494 at rush hour.


That high pressure bubble that we are now living under will actually become a bit tougher and give us more protection. Hurricane Joaquin will be pumping tons of rising air into the atmosphere, which in return, will sink over us here in the Upper Midwest, increasing the strength of the high that is giving us our tranquil spell.



Unlike being stuck in rush hour traffic, this weather back up will buy us extra time to enjoy the sunshine. However, it's not all good news as the Eastern seaboard will be dealing with tons of rain on top of what has already been a soggy week.




If your travels take you out East this upcoming weekend you will most likely want to keep an eye on the forecast as it will be a wet and windy time.

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