Timelapse: A glimpse at the partial 'ring of fire' solar eclipse in MN

The clouds made it difficult, but FOX 9's cameras were able to catch a glimpse of Saturday's partial eclipse that was visible in Minnesota.

Areas to the west and further south, from Oregon to Brazil, were treated to the full "ring of fire" eclipse. In the Twin Cities, we only got a partial eclipse -- that was mostly obstructed by clouds.

Even then it was a Goldilocks experiment: When the clouds were too thin, the sun washed out the picture. And, of course, when the clouds were too thick, you couldn't see the sun. The timelapse video, that you can watch above, is patched together from video recorded around the noon hour in Eden Prairie. Thanks to FOX 9 engineer Ricky Dressler, who was working the camera for the eclipse.

Your next chance to see a solar eclipse will be April 8, 2024. But, unfortunately, that eclipse will also only appear as a partial eclipse in Minnesota – while areas from Texas to the New England area will get to see the full show.

Air and SpaceWeatherEden Prairie