Sunrise/Sunset: Brighter days ahead

When it comes to snow and cold, statistically the worse is behind us. We all know that living in Minnesota means that Mother Nature does not always follow this schedule and can throw out some wicked cold and snow well into spring. However, the science is a little more exact when it comes to our sunrises and sunsets. No matter how winter –like it is out there, the amount of daylight will steadily increase.

As we travel through February, we are seeing a daily increase in sunlight between 2-3 minutes and most of that is in the evening. You may notice that the drive home during the evening rush is not as dark as it was just a few weeks ago.

In March we get a big boost thanks to Daylight Saving Time that begins on the 12th. When we spring forward we will see out sunset go past 7 pm for the first time since late September. Now this will definitely boost your spirits.

In fact from February 1 to March 12, we will see our daily sunsets go from 5:22 PM to 7:16 PM, a nearly two hour jump.

Winter is definitely waning.