Twin Cities possible last measurable snow is right on target

As amazing as it may sound, our persistent dustings of snow this week have been...perfectly normal.  While the sheer number of hours that we've had flakes falling may be a bit unusual for this time of year, the sole fact that it's snowing at all is perfectly common. The Twin Cities snow season often lasts well into April and can get all the way through much of May... although May snow is far less common.

The Twin Cities snow season often lasts well into April and can get all the way through much of May.  (FOX 9)

IF Thursday ends up being our last measurable snow of the season, it would actually be the earliest we've rounded out our snow season in several years. The last couple of years, we've seen our last measurable snow on April 14th. You'd have to go back to 2012 to find a year we experienced an earlier final snowfall. It was super early that year, ending on March 8th. There have only been 5 years since 2000 that we have not had a measurable snow in April.

MSP has seen 49.9'' of snow through April 8.  (FOX 9)

We average nearly 4 inches of snow during the month, and we're still well shy of that, so we would also be below average in snow if this is truly the end. So far this season we have had just shy of 50" of snow which would be barely below our average of roughly 52". While I don't have a crystal ball on what will happen the rest of this month, much of next week looks quite unsettled across the central U.S. The sheer fact that there will be moisture around, and it's still the first half of April gives us at least a small chance for some of us to see some flakes. However, at the moment, it's far more likely that the Twin Cities metro gets mostly or entirely rain. Of course, we'll know more as we get into next week.