Burnsville shooting funeral: 4,000 roses prepped for memorial

Four thousand roses are being prepped for Wednesday's memorial service to honor three fallen Burnsville first responders.

Backing the Blue Line, a group of the wives and significant others of law enforcement members, worked Tuesday to remove leaves and thorns from the roses and attach a ribbon with the message "Forever in Our Hearts."

The group gathers not only to support the families of the fallen but also to provide support for each other.

"It makes such a heartbreaking tragic incident more bearable. It doesn’t lessen the impact of it, but it makes it more bearable," said Shanna McArthur.

"When something bad happens, we just want to come together and support each other, and this is kind of our way to do that," Tara Yunkers added.

Honoring the fallen is heartbreaking for all of them, as they acknowledge it could have just as easily been their own families mourning. They accept that their spouses risking their lives every day is part of the life they live.

"To have the tough conversations with our son. And just make sure that he knows that it’s an unsafe environment, but that’s what we signed up for, that’s what his daddy does, he runs into the fight," said Yunkers.

The roses will be handed out at tomorrow's service.