Elementary school teacher makes grade with encouraging Post-it notes for student

Everyone needs words of encouragement sometimes to make it through the day.

But Pam Mohs is going above and beyond for one student in her fourth grade class at Lake Elmo Elementary.

"A lot of students don't need that extra reinforcement. They are already kind of there. That's why I'm doing this with Finn and it's working," Mohs told FOX 9.

Mohs says Finn Helwig has struggled in the past with focusing and paying attention in class.

So when Finn became one of her students this year, she started putting Post-It Notes with positive messages on them in Finn's locker to reward him when he has a good day. 

"She's my favorite teacher. She makes all these Post-It Notes and she makes school fun," said Finn.

"He keeps those Post-It Notes. He loves those Post-It Notes and I think he looks forward to that every day," said Mohs.

Everyone needs words of encouragement sometimes to make it through the day, and one teacher in Lake Elmo goes out of her way to make a world of difference.  (FOX 9)

Just over a week ago, when Finn's mom discovered his locker was covered with more than 2 dozen Post-It Notes he had saved from Mrs Mohs,  she was overcome with emotion.

"I bawled. I cried, and then I called my husband in tears, the breathy kind of tears, because it's just so awesome to see people support your kid," said Finn's mother, Maggie Helwig, 

She also posted a photo of the Post-It Note pick-me-ups on Facebook, which was also posted by Stillwater Public Schools, and has now been shared nearly 1000 times. 

"I just let her know how appreciative we are, how thankful we are that she has been a game changer for Finn this year," said Maggie.

Mrs Mohs says she's glad she is having a positive impact on Finn's life, and just like a Post-It Note he would find in his locker, she hopes it sticks.

"There's a lot of teachers who are doing things like this that nobody ever knows about because we don't brag about what we are doing," said Mohs.
