FOUND: Roseville police locate missing teen who never made it to school

On Friday, Roseville police said they found the missing 14-year-old boy last seen on December 14 and arrested two suspects for the boy's disappearance.

No one had heard from Izaich Mardis since he left for school but never made it to class last month. In an alert from the state, officers say was he wearing a Minnesota Twins stocking cap, a Twins backpack, a gray puffy coat, with a red hoodie and black sweatpants when he left home that morning.

On New Year's Eve, authorities located Izaich in California with his biological mother, who lost parental rights three years ago. Roseville Police say his mother had been a person of interest since she was charged for a similar incident in Brooklyn Park May 2019.

Detectives from the Roseville Police Department tracked her whereabouts to Lancaster area in California. Then, local authorities helped locate her and her boyfriend at a hotel Friday morning.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department arrested his 32-year-old biological mother and her 31-year-old boyfriend on felony child concealment charges. The Roseville teen and another young child were taken into protective custody.

This remains an active investigation. Detectives are asking anyone who may have information related to the investigation to call 651-792-7008 or submit an online tip at