Crystal City Council Member wins election by 1 vote after recount

Crystal City Council Member John Budziszewski won reelection by one vote after a recount in the city's third ward. 

Close election

According to Crystal city officials, the election in Ward 3 was recounted after the race was only separated by one vote. 

The race was between City Council Member John Budziszewski, running for his fourth term, and resident Wade Girard. 

After the initial election, Budziszewski got 1,129 votes while Girard received 1,128 of the vote. 

City officials say Girard requested a recount, which is allowed under state law. 

The recount took place Thursday, and was overseen by county, city officials, and the candidates or their representative, officials said. 

Results confirmed 

According to officials, the recount confirmed the initial results of the election, meaning Budziszewski won by one vote. 

The Crystal City Council is holding a special meeting Thursday to canvass the recount and declare Budziszewski the winner. 

2024 ElectionCrystal