The first Super Bowl Sunday at Maynard, Minnesota's only bar

Many in Maynard, a small town in Western Minnesota, seemed to have turned out. All sitting around the u-shaped bar to watch the Super Bowl on a Sunday that has become a pseudo-holiday.

However, the patrons, some cheering for the Seahawks, some pulling for the Patriots, had to first show an exercise of democracy to even be here on Sunday.

It was November 2014 that this town of 366, in a vote of 87 to 69, decided to allow bars to be open on Sunday. A fresh new day of business for the town's one bar: Moldy's.

Moldy's owner, Darrell Molden says as long has he's been alive Maynard has never allowed bars to open for Sundays.

"I somewhat campaigned a little bit," Molden admitted.

After the exercise in democracy granted Moldy's an additional day, the revelers arrived. They were not just there for the game, or the commercials, or to celebrate a birthday, but were there to celebrate being together, no longer having to concern themselves with who would host the party.

"This is just the local people, and we just enjoy being together. You don't have to go to anyone's home. No one is hosting because Moldy's hosting," said a patron at the bar.
