Saturday's rain welcomed but likely not enough for farmers

Rainfall this weekend will recharge the soil and help rejuvenate trees and pastures on the Sorg farm in Hastings; but it may be too late to help Randy Sorg with the corn, soybean and alfalfa that he is now harvesting.

"It was too hot and dry and we’re off of what we wanted," Sorg told FOX 9 on Sunday.

Sorg says the farm’s yields are down about 20%, and unfortunately, that has become an all too familiar feeling for many across the state.

"We’ve had a few hot years in a row here," Sorg continued.

Half of Sorg’s crops are irrigated, but with how hot things got this summer, even that wasn’t enough.

"When that rain doesn’t come it’s a little stressful, for the crop and the businessman," Sorg finished. "I’ve been farming full-time for 41 years. We’ve had more adverse weather events in the last five years than the previous 36 years."
