How to keep your pet safe amid June heat wave

As the heat wave continues in Minnesota, animal experts are offering tips on how to keep your furry friend safe and healthy.

According to the Animal Emergency & Referral Center of Minnesota website, a good rule of thumb is if temperatures are above 80 degrees, it is generally too warm for pets to exercise heavily outdoors.

You should also be sure to keep your pet hydrated throughout the day. Pets cannot cool off by sweating the way humans can, as they only sweat a small amount through their paw pads. Instead, dogs and cats cool off by panting. This causes them to overheat more quickly than humans do.

Do not let your pets walk on hot surfaces such as asphalt, which retains heat extremely well and can burn paw pads. Always check the asphalt with your bare hand or foot before allowing your pet to walk on it. If it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for them.

Do not leave your pet in a parked car. Even if you park in the shade or crack the windows, the inside temperature of that car is going to increase beyond the outside temperature. Overheating or a heat stroke can cause irreversible organ damage or death.

Early signs of heat stroke include excessive panting, agitation or restlessness, lethargy and more.

For more information on how to keep your pet safe and healthy during this heat wave, click here.

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