Minneapolis May Day march takes aim at immigration policies

While advocating for labor rights at a May Day march in south Minneapolis Tuesday, protesters also took special aim at President Donald Trump and his immigration policies.

"He attacks the immigrants, but he attacks only the immigrants of color," said William Martinez, who came to the U.S. from Central America in 2001 and became a citizen a few years ago. He says that immigration policies and labor policies go hand in hand and they're both under threat from the Trump Administration. "We’re talking about jobs, we’re talking about better pay and a lot of human rights. Human rights are legal rights."

The march comes just days after a caravan of Central Americans seeking asylum arrived at the U.S. border in Tijuana, Mexico, only to be turned away. 

As a result, the group marching had a long list of demands, including legalization for all immigrants and ending mass deportations. It's a tall order, and many realize that the road ahead will be long. 

"We’re in this fight together, this is what it means to me," said Angelica Bello. "And not just to me, but everyone in here."
