Minnesota e-bike rebate: Fewer than 80 applications accepted amid website crash

The error that popped up after the application site went live for the Minnesota e-bike rebate program. (FOX 9)

The state website meant to gather applications for Minnesota's e-bike rebate program remains down after high demand crashed the site on Wednesday. 

State officials say they do not know when the website will be back up and running. Turnberry Solutions, which developed the application, and Salesforce, which provides the host platform service, are still troubleshooting the technical issues as of Thursday afternoon. 

READ MORE: Minnesota e-bike rebate applications postponed after website failure

Officials add that less than 80 applications were successfully submitted during the midday hours before the site shut down. Those applications will be honored and state officials say they will reach out to those whose applications were successfully submitted.

Those interested can sign up to receive updates from the Minnesota Department of Revenue directly. Updated information is expected sometime early next week.

State officials from the Minnesota Department of Revenue and Minnesota IT Services also expressed their apologies to rebate applicants. 
