Mystery in Menahga update: Small town doctor relieved of his duties

A small-town doctor has been relieved of his duties at a local nursing home in Menahga, Minnesota.

Earlier this month, the Fox 9 investigators told the story of 93-year old Betty Roberts. Her family was concerned about her doctor, Vern Erickson, as he was also her power of attorney.

Erickson was able to manage her finances and health care, but said he did not want any property or money from the woman.

The Fox 9 investigators also found he bought property from at least six other patients.

After the story aired, Green Pine Acres in Menahga dismissed Erickson as its physician. The facility is city-owned.

The city administrator said a change in doctors had been in the works for a while, and Erickson was let go because the facility wanted a physician that would charge less for services.
