Resolution passes, opening doors for tap rooms in Bloomington, Minn.

Residents in Bloomington, Minnesota may soon see tap rooms and cocktail rooms pop up across the city thanks to a resolution that passed by voters Tuesday. 

Voters passed a resolution authorizing the city council to adopt ordinances that would allow for new types of liquor establishments such as tap rooms and cocktail rooms. Residents voted 77% in favor and 22% opposed. In order to pass, the resolution needed 55% in favor.

According to the city, Bloomington is a charter city which means that it has its own “constitution” that provides additional regulations and opportunities. One such provision regulates on-sale and off-sale of intoxicating liquor in the city. Tuesday, voters were asked whether to remove alcohol regulations from the Bloomington City Charter. Now approved, alcohol will still be regulated by state law and the city code.

The section of the city charter will be removed 30 days after the election.

Here's how the question appeared on the ballot:


Remove Alcohol Regulations from the City Charter

Shall the Bloomington City Charter be amended to delete Section 12.12, which would allow the City Council to adopt ordinances authorizing additional types of places to serve and sell alcohol in the City?

Politics ElectionUs Mn/hennepin County/bloomingtonLifestyle Food DrinkPolitics