Schulze Lake in Eagan closed to swimmers due to mystery illness

Despite a weekend of warm weather, park officials in Dakota County are keeping everyone out of the water at Schulze Lake in Lebanon Hills Regional Park. Multiple swimmers there are fighting the effects of a mystery illness after going for a swim.

"I’ve never heard of anything like this happening," parent Mikayla Evans told FOX 9 on Sunday. She brought her family to the lake on Wednesday afternoon, and by Thursday night her daughter Remi was sick.

"She was vomiting, and she had some diarrhea," Mikayla explained. "She was very dull in her face and didn’t have any color, [she] looked kind of lifeless behind her eyes, like she wasn’t really with us… it was alarming to see her be that sick, and I feel like the vomiting was excessive. At one point, I was like, I don’t know how there’s anything still coming out."

The cause of the illness is unknown, but the Minnesota Department of Health is testing sick swimmers. Dakota County released this statement to families on Saturday:

"Dakota County is working with the Minnesota Department of Health to identify a source of the suspected viral infection and any additional steps that need to be taken. If individuals were exposed to Schulze Lake water and subsequently became sick with symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea, they can contact the Minnesota Department of Health at 651-201-5655 or email

An online reporting option is also available 24/7. The Health Department will offer testing to a limited number of individuals who have reported symptoms. The temporary lake closure applies to both humans and pets."
