Senate passes amendment to strengthen soft terror targets at airports

Sen. Amy Klobuchar is celebrating the passage of an amendment to the Federal Aviation Authority reauthorization bill that specifically strengthens security at “soft target” areas at U.S. airports. The amendment would increase the number of federal agents with bomb-sniffing dog at ticketing and baggage claim areas, as well as surface transportation areas.

“It's not often that we can increase efficiency and security at the same time. But we have started to see this at the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport, where wait times, while still too long, have been reduced as new K-9 teams help process and move passengers to secure areas more quickly, ” Klobuchar said in a statement. “This amendment will help increase the presence of security personnel patrolling the perimeter areas at our airports - such as baggage claim and check-in - that could be the most susceptible to attack."

Actions of FAA reauthorization amendment

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