Cold prevents crew from laying ice for NHL Stadium Series

The NHL Stadium Series is getting set for a stop in Minneapolis next weekend, but there’s still a few things to figure out before that big game between the Minnesota Wild and the Chicago Blackhawks.

The hockey rink is in place for the Stadium Series, but NHL Outdoor Icemaker Dan Craig says it’s currently too cold to actually make the ice.

Craig has installed every single outdoor stadium sheet for the NHL. Due to the weather delay setback, his crew will have to work 16-18 hours days next week in order to get TCF Bank Stadium ready for the big outdoor matchup.

However, a week from today, there might be more changes when temperatures could climb another 30 degrees. But, no matter what Mother Nature throws their way, the show before the show still goes on.

“We make it work,” Craig says. “One way or another, we make it work.”
