Sales of old Minnesota state flag spike at Rochester store after new design was selected

At Herold Flags in Rochester, there are thousands of flags in all shapes and sizes. But one of the newest bestsellers has actually been a staple at the shop for years.

Owner Lee Herold says ever since the State Emblems Redesign Commission settled on a design for a new state flag to recommend to the state legislature, the current state flag has been flying off the shelves. 

"It's extremely popular all of a sudden. It's skyrocketing sales. Everybody wants one now," Herold said.

In fact, Herold says he's sold more of them in the last month than he typically sells in a year, split evenly between customers who don't like the new design and those who want a piece of history.

"People are often resistant to change, and the other half haven't related to the new design, and they want this one," said Herold.

Herold himself spent nearly four decades advocating changing the state flag because he believes the old design is too complicated. But he's not necessarily a fan of the new design either, and he hopes the state legislature makes some changes.

"It has not been the reception that I would have hoped for. Most people approach it with a question mark rather than enthusiasm. I'm not applauding it yet either, but, give it some time, perhaps that will change," said Herold.

Still, Herold says the first shipment of the new state flags arrived Thursday morning, and they are already sold out.

Herold says all the attention on Minnesota's calling card has been good for business and both flags.

"The Minnesota flag represents the state, represents our culture and people using it. That's a good thing. And even if it's the old flag, that shows some loyalty and pride in our state. I can applaud that," said Herold.

Herold says manufacturers will continue to make the old flag as long as people want it. He also expects to have the old flag back in stock in a couple of weeks.
