Washington Co. seeks higher bail for David Powers over threatening jailhouse phone call

There are new developments in the Washington County case where a man is accused of brutally assaulting his girlfriend, and holding her hostage in her own Lake Elmo home for more than 24 hours.

David Powers is out of custody tonight, released Tuesday evening. Authorities are concerned about apparently threatening comments he made on a recorded jailhouse phone call before his release where he reportedly said, "I will get the people responsible for this."

Powers came up with a $500,000 bond to make bail, and fight the charges out of custody as his case of domestic strangulation, rape and kidnapping plays out.
His alleged victim, Chandra McFarland detailed the attack in an interview last week with FOX 9, saying, "He ripped off my clothes and jumped on top of me and started to strangle me to the point of unconsciousness several times."

McFarland, a nurse who had dated Powers for several months before the ordeal, described a nightmare as she reported being held hostage for more than a day.
"He just, he turned into a complete monster. He snapped," said McFarland. "I tried all tactics. I tried to calm him down. I tried to submit to him. I tried to de-escalate the situation as best as I possibly could."

Authorities have said, it was not until McFarland’s colleagues asked law enforcement to conduct a welfare check that she was able to safely flee when officers showed up at her door.

Powers was subsequently arrested and charged with multiple felony counts. His bail was set at two different levels, $500,000 with no conditions, only that he make his next court appearance.

And then, $300,000 with conditions that included GPS monitoring and the surrendering of his passports among other restrictions. According to prosecutors, he has Russian dual citizenship.

Powers, who apparently owns his own Maple Grove based roofing construction business, ultimately came up with a $500,000 bond to secure his release.
But before he left the Washington County jail in Stillwater, officials said he made what appeared to be a threatening comment on a recorded phone call, saying, "I will get the people responsible for this."

It prompted the parties to return to court Tuesday morning where prosecutors argued for increased bail amounts. Over defense objections, Judge Juanita Freeman agreed, citing safety concerns of the victim and the risk of flight.

Judge Freeman slapped several conditions on Powers’ $500,000 bond including the GPS monitoring, surrendering of his passports, a requirement he stay away from drugs, alcohol, and firearms, and ordering him to receive written court approval to leave the state of Minnesota. His unconditional bail amount was doubled to $1 million.

His attorney, Daniel Repka told FOX 9’s Paul Blume that Powers looks forward to contesting the allegations in front of a jury of his peers. Repka also said his legal team is readying an appeal of Judge Freeman’s adjusted bail ruling, arguing it violates the rules of release.

Powers has a prior conviction for domestic strangulation involving another woman, 10 years earlier in Hennepin County.

At that time, he went by the name David Robakevich, and was sentenced to time in the workhouse when prosecutors dropped attempted murder charges against him. 

Powers is due back in court for the current Washington County case on June 8.