What colors were displayed on One World Trade Center?

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New York City joined a list of cities around the world that are lighting up famous landmarks with the colors of the Belgian flag.

One World Trade Center's 408-foot spire was said to display in black, yellow and red on Tuesday evening. But several images of the tower seemed to show blue, white and red.

On Wednesday, the Port Authority of NY and NJ, which owns the property, said making lights appear in black is tricky, but the top of the spire was in fact black.

"The WTC was initially lit at 10 percent white (which was intended to appear dark grey/black) but was then darkened even more after dusk to make it look more black," said a Port Authority official.

The lighting around the world was intended to show solidarity with the people of Belgium.

"Once again, our world has endured another senseless tragedy due to the cowardly acts of truly evil people, but the global community remains united," Governor Cuomo said. "New York stands shoulder to shoulder with the people of Belgium and the rest of the world in rejecting the hate and extremism behind this violence. As we have seen time and again, when we are united, terror has never prevailed and never will. Tonight, One World Trade Center will be displayed in black, yellow and red as we stand in solemn solidarity with the people of Belgium, just as they have done for us in the past. We join the world in mourning the victims of these attacks and remain committed to helping create a more just and peaceful world."
