'It has to stop': FBI, Hennepin County pledge assistance to Minneapolis amid uptick in violence

The FBI and the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office have pledged their assistance in an inter-agency response to the recent violence in Minneapolis.

In a statement to FOX 9, the FBI and the Sheriff’s Office both say they have been in close contact with Minneapolis Police officials and hope to help anyway they can after more than 100 people have been shot in Minneapolis in the last month.

Monday, Police Chief Medaria Arradondo and Mayor Jacob Frey called for an end to the violence and asked for the community's help in doing so. Frey said the city requested assistance from several other jurisdictions, including the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office, the ATF, the FBI, Metro Transit and the Minnesota State Patrol. 

The FBI said it will provide “intelligence and investigative resources,” to help “dig into what’s happening with this uptick in violence.”

The Bureau said similar resources were deployed to St. Paul in the summer of 2019 when violence plagued Minneapolis’ twin city.

Hennepin County Sheriff Dave Hutchinson said his office will help both Minneapolis and suburban cities to address the “horrendous violence.”

“It has to stop,” he said.

Hutchinson pledged patrol resources, investigative resources and intelligence to help the cities of Hennepin County link analyses.

“We have pledged the full resources of Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office to address the criminals who are shooting people in our community,” Hutchinson said.

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