Minnesota State Patrol: 2020 saw stark increase of drivers going over 100 mph

The Minnesota State Patrol is warning drivers to slow down after seeing a stark increase in speeding tickets - particularly those going over 100 mph - over the last year.

According to officials, in 2020, troopers wrote 1,068 citations to drivers traveling more than 100 mph. In 2019, that number was 533 - a 100 percent increase. In one case, a driver was cited for going 153 mph.

Preliminary reports also show that 120 motorists died in speed-related crashes in 2020, the most since 2008. The 397 traffic fatalities in 2020 are the most in five years, with speed contributing to 30 percent of all fatalities last year.

As a result, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Office of Traffic Safety began collaborating with the transportation department and the health department to implement extra speed enforcement.

Extra speed enforcement began on New Years Day, and during the first month, troopers cited 7,252 drivers for speeding - 78 of those for speeds of 100 mph or more.

"We are very frustrated and appalled by the lack of compliance to Minnesota speed limits by some drivers in our state," Col. Matt Langer, chief of the Minnesota State Patrol, said in a release. "Traveling above the speed limit, especially more than 100 mph, is unacceptable and puts the lives of everyone around you in danger. If you speed, expect our troopers to stop you and cite you with a ticket. Our hope is that motorists heed our warning and slow down!"

The cost of a speeding violation will vary by county, but it will typically cost a driver more than $110 with court fees for traveling 10 mph over the limit. Fines double for those speeding 20 mph over the limit and drivers can lose their license for six months for going 100 mph or more.

Crime and Public SafetyTrafficMinnesota