St. Thomas student faces discipline for accidental shot fired

St. Paul police confirm a University of St. Thomas student had a valid permit to carry when his gun accidentally went off in his dorm room Friday night, injuring another student.

The university has a zero tolerance campus weapons ban.

Yet on Friday night, a current student with a valid permit had his gun on campus in his dorm.

Police report that he took the firearm from his holster, removed the magazine, and while transferring the gun to a safe lockbox, he accidentally pulled the trigger.

The bullet tore through two walls, skimming the head of his Flynn Hall suite mate, 22-year old Paul Rousseau.

"It might be an accident,” said Steve Linders, spokesman for the St. Paul Police Department. “We'll still investigate. By all accounts it appears to be an accident. It's still illegal discharge of a firearm possibly. We have investigator working on it."

In addition to the Saint Paul police probe, the university has initiated its disciplinary protocol given the apparent violation of the school's code of conduct.

Fox 9 has learned the gun owner, a 22-year old from Hermantown, was removed from campus and could face penalties as severe as expulsion.

"First and foremost, I want to ensure the campus community that the safety of them on campus is the number one priority,” said Dan Meuwissen, University of St. Thomas public safety director.

As for the victim, he underwent surgery and at last check remained hospitalized in good condition.

Saint Paul police confirmed they will turn over their completed investigation to prosecutors, who will make final determination on any possible criminal charges.
