Leo’s Landing facing closure on St. Croix River due to licensing dispute

Leo’s Landing marina has sat next to the St. Croix River rail bridge in Prescott, Wisconsin, for decades.

The current owners bought it in the 1980s, but were informed this spring by the city that their permit to stay at their location expires at the end of the year.

Three weeks ago, co-owner Tom Anderson asked the St. Croix City Council for their reasoning, saying the decision came unexpectedly.

Anderson says they have millions invested in the business, which operates as a gas dock, convenience store and dozens of rental slips.

A key part of the issue is the land where the dock is accessed from the riverfront, creating a complex legal issue.

Last year the city began a riverfront improvement project, completing a short stretch north of the rail bridge.

The spot where Leo’s sits, to the south, is in the next phase.

The city administrator says plans include a bigger and better public boat launch, plus a fishing pier, with hopes to make the stretch an improved public amenity.

According to Anderson, their family livelihood would essentially be shut down through the plans.

Leo’s landing does own property where their gas storage tanks are, and have since hired their own surveyors to figure out what property rights they hold.

In the meantime, a petition is closing in on its goal of 2,500 signatures to convince the city to let them stay.

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