No trouble for holiday travelers at MSP Airport

This weekend, many people returned home after gathering with their families for Thanksgiving.

On Sunday, lines through security at MSP Airport had people on their way in less than 15 minutes.

"Normally, it's very busy, especially at MSP, but it doesn’t look like it’s that bad today," Abbie Nelson said, on her way to Boston.

"It looks great. I was expecting a lot worse, there’s a lot of people, but all the lines were moving quickly. Everything is going smooth, as I can expect, I guess," Jason Hall said, before boarding for Phoenix. "So far, I think this is going to be the easiest holiday I’ve traveled on."

"Smooth, really smooth, it was actually easier than I thought," Ryan Kanne said, on his way to Tampa. "The lines went fast."

Airport officials projected that 50,000 people could pass through security checkpoints, and accordingly, many travelers got to the airport two to three hours early for domestic flights.

Minneapolis-St. Paul International AirportTravelHolidays